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    Below listed are some major guidelines to succeed in any course and in college:

    • SET GOALS;

    Those who set goals work according goals set.Studying aimlessly is a dead-end and people who do such never go far or perform poorly.A person who aspires to have an A, will definitely work harder than another who plans just to pass a course.
    A person who wants to win a scholarship will definitely work harder than a person who doesn't. Goals guide,motivate an gives a reason to keep pushing forward.

    Its important to attend all your classes,missing a class should be rare.If you miss classes more than 3 time it might affect your learning and have a negative effect on your grades.class gives you a different view on the material besides the notes and textbooks.If you think you understand a topic so well,class always adds something new. Occasionally you might have to miss class because due to illness or an important task.However this should be rare.You should not miss class just because you don't want to attend a class or you would rather prefer to do something else...attending classes should be your default,not a decision to be made.


    Planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities,increases effectiveness,efficiency and productivity in education.
    Set priorities
    Carry out activities around this priorities,
    Reduce time spent on non-priorities
    Modify behavior to ensure compliance with time related deadline.


    Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health,physical health and quality of life and safety.
    Sleep deficiency alter some parts of the brain,and you may find trouble in making decisions, solving problems and controlling your emotions and behavior..Getting enough quality sleep at the right times help you function well throughout the day.People who are sleep deficient are less productive.They take longer to complete tasks,have slower reaction time and make a lot of mistakes.even a loss of sleep for just 1-2hrs per night,your ability to function suffers as if you haven't slept for the whole night and may leas to micro sleeps.avoid caffeine,alcohol,nicotine and other chemicals that interfere with your sleep.having a regular sleep schedule helps ensure better quality and consistent sleep.different sleep/wake cycle vary for persons.someone who sleeps 5hrs may be able to perform as well as another who sleeps for 10hrs,but a minimum of 5hrs should be maintained for effectiveness



    Thanks for reading,

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