Have you ever wondered why you/others
study hard but you don’t ever get to pass an exam. Many burn the mid-night candle
but see no results. Apart from anything that has to do with the spiritual
and/or mental disorders I think the problem all boils down to how you study and
the effectiveness of your method.
Basically am not here to tell you how
to get everything glued on to your brain like a sticker but to show your some
key steps that can help you get proper understanding of what your studying.
Always attend lectures.
funny to thing how easy it is to skip lectures. Must do so because they think
they will catch-up later or they think the course is too easy but later on they
often struggle to understand both pass and present lecture notes. As time goes by the work becomes more bulky
and it becomes a burden which most rush over without understanding just to pass
an exam. During lectures the lecturer often gives out some vital info to foster
understanding which might not be found in the notes. Please DO ATTEND lectures.
Prepare for the next class;
in order for you to understand the next lecture properly it’s better to prepare
before class. Read ahead, not nesseceraly everything even reading the
introductory text can also be helpful. Review what was done in the previous
lecture before the next lecture it helps you keep track of the progression of
the subject being taught.
Take careful notes while reading
is mostly relevant with mathematically related fields. Write down the logical
progression of ideas in a problem solving case. It helps you follow the steps
later on while solving other problems. Important equations should be
highlighted and their derivations should not only be copied well understood.
Solve example problems.
questions help you better understand the material studied. It makes you
familiar with what you’ve been reading and it’s a better way for you to
remember the concepts learned. Most example problems might even appear in your
exam which gives you an added advantage. Most books have questions at the end
of each chapter
5. Don’t procrastinate
time management is a major key issue when it comes to studies. Always BE IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME
DOING THE RIGHT THING .don’t leave home work for the last minute cause you
might end-up rushing over it just to get it done before the dateline without
having regards for what your learning, you will be so desperate and might end
up missing the skills or knowledge needed to work out the problem. Some people
even go to extremes of coping from others.
Study in PAIRS.
has shown that the ideal size of a study group is two people, not
1,3,4,5,,,,but 2. Most dense study groups turn up into arguments. If you want
to get the most out of study, do it in PAIRS.not necessary same sex.
Prepare for exams the right way
right way to study for an exam is to re-read the parts of the book that are
required, going over your lecture notes and redoing all of the preceding
If you follow all this I guarantee you
at least an A- in your courses,
if you got any questions or comments please comment below, thanks for reading
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