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    Whats In My Cosmetic?????????

    Cosmetics,are substances or products used to enhance the appearance or fragrance of the body. Many cosmetics are designed for use on the face and hair. In the 21st century, women generally use more cosmetics than men.They are chemical compounds,some derived from natural sources others being synthetic like lipsticks.There are some unimaginable natural sources of cosmetic products listed below,many of which will drive you nuts

    Bird poop:
    Bird poop??? it keeps me wondering how on Earth somebody will use such products!!!!.In Japan for example,nightingales poop is used for facials. good news is,it beats Botox. The bad news - it's made from birds' mess.It contains nitrogen-rich urea and guanine and amino acids, all of which help to keep the skin moisturize, giving it a hydrated look. (no wonder its used for facials). Facial treatments use the droppings, or guano, from Japanese nightingales. This is currently the flavor in New York, because the guanine in the droppings gives a clear and "bright" skin tone

    Snail secretions
    Snail slime has been used now for quite a long time on beauty products.The properties of snail slime were discovered by accident in the 1960s, when a Spanish oncologist called Rafael Abad subjected snails to radiation therapy used to treat cancer and observed that they released a substance totally different from the slime that they normally use to move.

    Abad also noticed that the snails very rapidly cured small wounds on their skin caused by the radiation. Observing the repair capacity of the snails, Abad tested the effects of this substance on human skin,which turned out to be a miracle. It contains mucin, which is said to have regenerative properties. Mostly used for facial skin care cause of its ability to minimize scars and moisturize the skin. 

    Infant foreskin:

    This one,i will never makes me nauseated.i cant stand the site of open wounds let alone using a product made from foreskins.Am happy its expensive,that way i cant even afford it even if i wanted to give it a try.But so far i know its an effective cosmetic product.It promotes new skin growth,good for anti aging creams,and alergic skins..

    Fish scales:
     Fish scales contain a chemical guanine. Guanine is one of four of the constituent bases of nucliec acids. Crystalline guanine is added in various products like shampoos, where it provides a pearly shimmering effect. It is  also used in nail polish and eye shadow to bring shimmering lustre. It is also known to hide eye blemishes. Crystalline guanine is also used in metallic paints, simulated pearls and plastics..

    Oil from a shark's liver

    Squalene is a fat naturally found in our skin, which serves to protect and hydrate our skin barrier. It is added into many moisturizers for this reason. While the squalene molecule in the skin is the same as others, the commercially used squalene is commonly taken from shark liver oil,” says Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research for the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

    Rooster combs

    The combs of rooster contain an acid, hyaluronic acid.It is not really an acid,” says chemist and beauty expert David Pollock. “Hyaluronic acid (HA) is found in almost every cell of your body. HA is a major component of our skin, in which collagen and elastin are embedded, and has the ability to draw moisture from the air, binding one thousand times its weight in water, acting as a reservoir for cells.” Hyaluronic acid was originally derived from rooster combs, but today it's actually made in the lab using plant sources and biotech processes.

    others include:

    Lamb fat:Tallow is a form of processed fat from mutton. “It has soothing and hydrating properties, making it an ideal ingredient for skin care products,” 

    Bird and mink oil:
    Some shaving creams, sunscreens and hairsprays contain oil from minks or from the giant flightless bird known as the emu. "The oil is obtained by scraping fat from the back of the hide of the animal,” says Schmidt. The ingredient contributes to the silky, conditioned feel you experience after applying the product

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