
  • Breaking News

    Apple offers $1 million if you can hack an iPhone

    Apple offers $1 million if you can hack an iPhone

    Tech giant Apple has confirmed that the company is offering hackers $1 million reward if they manage to hack into their iPhones and explain to the tech how they did it.

    The bounty was announced by the company at the annual Black Hat hacker convention in Las Vegas last week. It is said to be the biggest ever payout by the iPhone-maker.

    Apple had rolled out its bug bounty programme in 2016 with rewards up to $200,000 for finding vulnerabilities on the iOS platform which would let an attacker gain full control of the device, without needing the user's consent.

    Expanding its bug bounty program to all Apple's platforms such as iOS, iCloud, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS andwatchOS Apple's $1 million reward is five times larger than the previous one and is open to everyone.

    1 comment:

    1. But that's so easy now!
      There are so many tips showed by hackers online and spying apps like mspylite and to hack the information on any phone that there's no doubt many people do it everyday.
