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    How to identify original phone battery

    How to identify original phone battery

    Counterfeit mobile phone manufacturers imitate all facets of a branded phone’s appearance to make their products appear genuine. The phone's outer shell and screen, the printed logos and branding, the packaging and the included accessories can all be copied, making it difficult to identify whether a phone is fake or genuine. When possible it is always preferable to buy a phone through a registered retailer or reseller who can vouch for a phone's authenticity. Yet with the prevalence of internet shopping and auction websites this may not be an option. Here are a few simple tips to help you identify whether a phone is genuine or fake:

    How to identify original  phone battery

    Step 1

    Check the battery box.

    The packing box of an original battery is in good quality and can better protect the battery. Colors as well as letters on the box appear natural

    Original Samsung Galaxy S3 Box Front Side

    Step 2

    Check the date of manufacture.

    Compare the date of manufacture between battery box and battery body. For original battery, the date of manufacture printed on the battery body is the same as the date on the box.

    Step 3

    Inspect the NFC connector

    You can see the internal NFC connector after tearing down the battery paper.

    After ripping down the paper, you can find the NFC chip of a genuine battery is wrapped well. The battery surface feels plain.
    The NFC chip of a faulty battery is uncovered with glue print. The battery surface feels protruded rather than plain. Also, the fake battery does not include NFC chip and with much glue prints.

    Step 4

    Check carefully the battery body and the cardboard gap

    The fake battery packing looks inauthentic with rough, irregular and protruded cardboard edge, while the genuine battery packing surface appears trim and smooth.

    The gap of the original battery cardboard is very small and it appears to be plain and trim with exquisite workmanship.

    The fake battery cardboard gap looks large with rough and irregular sticking workmanship.

    Step 5

    Look at the battery fonts.

    The OEM battery fonts are printed well with black and bold letters.

    The fake battery letters look indistinct with light and thin printing.

    Step 6

    Inspect the battery foot angle.

    The foot angle of an original battery features exquisite craftship with smaller edge.

    The foot angle of a fake battery seems to be larger with rough workmanship.

    Hope it helps!

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