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    Why You Are Not Making Money Online

    Why You Are Not Making Money Online

    By: Tladi Small

    So it's been two month since you started your online business and still no results. You've followed all those advice sites and paid a small fortune to Google Adwords. Does this sound familiar?

    Well the truth is, it's still early days. Two months of moderate work say 12 hours a week (1 hour 45 a day) will result in some success. Like a good squeeze page that is getting a few prospects a week and growing list of back links.

    But its sales you're in the game for not back links and a list of subscribers. So the best thing to do is give up, write the money off to experience and stop reading this article.

    So you read on, which means you really want to make money online (or your just proof reading for approval).

    As a result of this decision you know you're going to have to continue with the business - but this time work smarter not harder. Stick with a few forums and get in with a team of people who are making money as they will be able to guide you and motivate you to continue with your quest.

    I also suggest you get together with some people who are not making money and keep motivating each other. It's rather like going to the gym with a few friends. It's always more motivating when you have a few 'gym buddies'.

    So you've got your buddies what now. Write down some daily tasks, for me this is checking my favourite forums, replying to any urgent emails, writing a few comments on my favourite blogs and articles of the day and of course working on my next article. I also like to keep a little diary blog of my daily tasks. It's only a few lines of what I've done and links to any pages I've created or articles I've published on that day.

    Once you've got some daily tasks. Get a routine. It took me a while to do this, but it actually works. Whether it's an hour in the morning and one at night or some time at lunchtime - just stick to it. Try it for a week and you'll be hooked.

    Oh I nearly forgot one very important tip to remember - don't forget life.

    "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans." - Allen Saunders in Reader's Digest.

    If you've planned a day out at the park with the family, go - but get up early and do your tasks.

    If you're going out for a romantic evening don't stay in because you want to hear that live call on choosing the right keywords!

    We are all doing this for a reason and these reasons are happening now, we just want to do them more often or for longer.

    My final piece of advice to all those who are not making money online at the moment is: be patient and persistent, despite what you read people are not going from $1 to $1000 in an hour from a stationary start. The internet is a funny thing. It won't know you for a long time, and then all of a sudden the snowball starts to roll. First one, then two and so on, but so many leave without ever seeing that happen, don't be one of them!

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